Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Classroom News-April 19

What a busy day!  We went to centers this morning.  We read passages and drew pictures of what happened first, next, and last.  We wrote in our journals and practiced leaving spaces between words and using punctuation at the end of the sentence.  We worked on counting and finding groups that have more and less.  Finally, we created a birthday book for one of our classmates.

This afternoon, we read the story The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle.  We talked about why the wind was important in the story, why it was good the seed was so small, and what the seed grew into.  We also went to the music room.  The children had the opportunity to play xylophones!  We also wrote in our chick journals.  Our chicks should hatch a week from today!

A week from today is our field trip to Anderson Farm.  Please be sure to send in a signed permission slip with your child, along with $7.00 CASH.  I must have the signed permission slip to take them on the field trip.  Children need to wear weather appropriate clothing, good walking shoes (no sandals), and they need to bring a sack lunch since we will be eating at the farm.  

Three Experts presented information today.  G presented information about Heavy Construction Equipment, R presented information about Thomas and Friends, and K taught us how to plant a flower in a pot.  I look forward to more presentations next week!  If you are not sure when your child's presentation is or have any questions, please give me a call or send me an email.

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